I’m Juan Miguel. As a learning and professional (L&D) for the longest time, I believe my purpose is to champion L&D – advance and lead learners towards: Personal development, Professional advancement, Productivity, Top/peak performance & high achievement.
Exposing myself to the ADDIE [analysis, design & develop, implementation, evaluation] model to win more competitive L&D experiences, this is how I contribute and steep into each element: Analysis: conducting TNA (training needs analysis) to figure out learners’ needs; Design & develop: create learning programs/interventions suited to the learner; Implementation [where I’m most immersed]: run workshops/training, or e-learning/voiceovers [when needed]; Evaluation: monitor learner’s feedback to revise learning programs if needed.
Deciding currently that L&D is my lifetime career, my expertise revolves around soft skills training: mainly but not limited to public & persuasive speaking, presentation skills, business writing, English proficiency, time & stress management, customer service/experience, and negotiation.