Complex Product Design Engineering: Online course

  Dates: 28th of March, Sunday, 11:00 (GMT+1)
  Platform: Online
  Language: English
icon_price_fee_euro  Price: from € 40

Tutor: Durk Steenhuizen

Complex Product Design Engineering In a Practical Design Environment. Extensive theory. Industry case. Q&A with the expert

Think out-of-the-box using fundamental knowledge, principles in combination with learnings from an actual design process!

Do you want to steer up your knowledge and skills in design engineering? Are you interested in learning how to perform a complex product design working through all the stages from scratching it to getting a comprehensive model?

Join this course and you will gain an understanding of how to design a completely new product under the guidance of an experienced tutor and design engineer! This new knowledge and set of skills will allow you to broaden your expertise in design engineering, structure the design planning process and become competent in the development of a step-by-step initial design plan.

The course is intended for engineers with different levels of expertise in the industry (from beginner to professional) who want to expand their knowledge and gain new practical skills in the start-to-end design processes of an innovative and complex high-tech product. This course is an introduction to basic concepts and practical techniques of aircraft structural analysis with case studies.

About the course

This 2-hour intensive course will give you a great opportunity to deep dive into the topic of complex product design engineering. You will get a course of extensive theory on the topic from a current Design Engineer and former lecturer & researcher at the Technical University in Delft, the Netherlands (TU Delft); explore an actual industry case; get answers to your professional questions; learn about working in an international technical environment and gain new professional contacts from around the world!

Summary of the topics-to-be-covered:

  • Focus on innovative complex design
  • Overview; what pitfalls threaten a successful outcome of the process (inability to obtain feasible Design, politics, changing market, time constraints)
  • Design as taught in university vs practice on the working floor
  • Formalized design process as a works task, deliverables, practical considerations
  • Quality control; traceability and the organizational structure to accommodate it; design bookkeeping
  • Decomposition of design process into various tasks Ideal process vs how it is practically done; organizational effect, politics
  • Experimental design cycle; concept, initial design, review, prototyping, testing, design update, prepare for production, commissioning, support over lifetime, decommissioning


  • 50% – discount on individual online consultation with Mr. Steenhuizen on one of your actual design problems or another topic of your choice (to be booked separately via email). During this consultation, you can get his feedback on your knowledge, skills and qualification for an engineering position in a high-tech innovative company or an educational organization.
  • For the most active participants, there is an opportunity to get a reference or endorsement on your LinkedIn profile from Mr. Steenhuizen.

Dates and Price

Dates Price
28th of March, Sunday, 11:00 (GMT+1) € 48*

* € 40 if you register before 14/03/2021

How to Apply

In case you have any questions regarding this program – feel free to contact us

Please fill in the following form to apply: